Capital Campaign
If you visit our Church grounds and take a tour, you will see our beautiful Church, our office building (the former rectory built in 1917), and here you may go downstairs to see our St. Vincent de Paul Society food pantry and our "Social Hall." Now, please contain your laughter. Yes, that basement space that we share with SVDP, our Religious Education Program, coffee and donuts and other social events is all we have. When numbers allow us, we will have funeral receptions, parish social gatherings and dinners. This area seats about 60 people somewhat comfortably. So in 2014, after a Master Plan was worked through with all the parishioners, it was unequivocally decided the Parish needed a hall. The aging original hall/gym had been torn down in 2005. It was time! So, in typical Sacred Heart fashion many minds and hands and hearts began to design, budget, and raise money. You can read the history in the other documents posted. Just know, it's a work in progress, and we welcome any and all support. God Bless You!
"Lord, give success to the work of our hands. Guide us in all that we do." --Psalm 90
Our Future
March 2016
Dear Sacred Heart Beloved,
"Unless the Lord builds the house,
The builders labor in vain"
--Psalm 127
"Lord, give success to the work of our hands.
Guide us in all that we do."
--Psalm 90
As you well know, we here at Sacred Heart are looking to the future, building on the past, and we are going to build a Fellowship Hall! This is an exciting time for us. Sacred Heart has such a depth of history: established in 1893 on pillars cut from the trees on the property. Over the years a Rectory was added to house the Benedictine priests who served us; a school, hall and convent were added over the years. Of course, changes came and the school closed in 1992, the building as well as the hall were demolished in 2005. In 2004 we sold property for the senior living facility that bears our name, and we waited.
In 2000, a Master Plan committee was formed to vision the direction for the future. No. 1 on that vision was the need for a hall to celebrate as a community. This never happened. In 2013 we began another visioning process in the overall mission of the parish. The most frequently expressed need was for a new hall: someplace where we could gather as a community for celebrations like parish breakfasts and dinners. This was the same request as the 2000 group: commercial kitchen, seating for about 250 people, meeting rooms and a larger pantry for St. Vincent de Paul. So we're moving forward after a lengthy process of parish meetings, City of Portland meetings and the Archdiocese. We plan on doing the same:
--5000 sq. foot building
--commercial kitchen
--two multi purpose rooms
--and this will be a community center available to our Brooklyn neighbors.
So here's why this design work is possible:
--we own the property
--we have $450,000 in seed money
--we have you and 122 years of history supporting us.
First and Foremost, I ask you to pray for the Lord to help us build this "house" and to "give success to the work of our hands." Secondly, I ask you to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you and your family in how you would like to support the fulfillment of this vision. Third, there is a pledge sheet enclosed for you to fill out. Remember, it is a 5 year pledge, payable in whatever increments you would want. So pray and then make your commitment to Sacred Heart now and for the future.
If the pledge sheet is somewhat unclear to you or you have questions, please contact one of the three people listed on the sheet. They will be glad to help you.
God's blessings on you. I praise God that I am here at Sacred Heart at this time as your Pastor.
God Bless.
Fr. Bob Barricks
Dear Sacred Heart Beloved,
"Unless the Lord builds the house,
The builders labor in vain"
--Psalm 127
"Lord, give success to the work of our hands.
Guide us in all that we do."
--Psalm 90
As you well know, we here at Sacred Heart are looking to the future, building on the past, and we are going to build a Fellowship Hall! This is an exciting time for us. Sacred Heart has such a depth of history: established in 1893 on pillars cut from the trees on the property. Over the years a Rectory was added to house the Benedictine priests who served us; a school, hall and convent were added over the years. Of course, changes came and the school closed in 1992, the building as well as the hall were demolished in 2005. In 2004 we sold property for the senior living facility that bears our name, and we waited.
In 2000, a Master Plan committee was formed to vision the direction for the future. No. 1 on that vision was the need for a hall to celebrate as a community. This never happened. In 2013 we began another visioning process in the overall mission of the parish. The most frequently expressed need was for a new hall: someplace where we could gather as a community for celebrations like parish breakfasts and dinners. This was the same request as the 2000 group: commercial kitchen, seating for about 250 people, meeting rooms and a larger pantry for St. Vincent de Paul. So we're moving forward after a lengthy process of parish meetings, City of Portland meetings and the Archdiocese. We plan on doing the same:
--5000 sq. foot building
--commercial kitchen
--two multi purpose rooms
--and this will be a community center available to our Brooklyn neighbors.
So here's why this design work is possible:
--we own the property
--we have $450,000 in seed money
--we have you and 122 years of history supporting us.
First and Foremost, I ask you to pray for the Lord to help us build this "house" and to "give success to the work of our hands." Secondly, I ask you to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you and your family in how you would like to support the fulfillment of this vision. Third, there is a pledge sheet enclosed for you to fill out. Remember, it is a 5 year pledge, payable in whatever increments you would want. So pray and then make your commitment to Sacred Heart now and for the future.
If the pledge sheet is somewhat unclear to you or you have questions, please contact one of the three people listed on the sheet. They will be glad to help you.
God's blessings on you. I praise God that I am here at Sacred Heart at this time as your Pastor.
God Bless.
Fr. Bob Barricks
Sacred Heart Parish Fellowship Hall Groundbreaking Celebration
June 16, 2018
Fr. Bob asked 3 of our senior ladies who were in their 90’s and are active today in Sacred Heart: Maxine Lanctot, Carol Pavlakovich and Josephine Rivelli, to be the initial groundbreakers. A groundbreaking blessing includes some words of wisdom, a prayer, a Scripture reading, and then the blessing of the ground breakers and the property. Fr. Bob was so prepared. He had the aspergellum (the vessel used for sprinkling holy water), some individual small sprinklers for the children, the prayers all figured out. He led the entire congregation out of the Church after Mass and noticed it began to sprinkle. As he got closer to the field, it rained a little more, and by the time everyone was around the perimeter, the skies opened up -- as did the umbrellas. Fr. Bob "cut to the chase", did the prayer, blessed the ladies and told them to go for it. So many of you realized that he didn't need holy water. God had taken care of that and blessed the property and put the blessing on all of us. It was amazing and so many affirmed that is what happened. God has us covered. We then enjoyed a glass of champagne or sparkling cider as we got thoroughly soaked.
Fr. Bob asked 3 of our senior ladies who were in their 90’s and are active today in Sacred Heart: Maxine Lanctot, Carol Pavlakovich and Josephine Rivelli, to be the initial groundbreakers. A groundbreaking blessing includes some words of wisdom, a prayer, a Scripture reading, and then the blessing of the ground breakers and the property. Fr. Bob was so prepared. He had the aspergellum (the vessel used for sprinkling holy water), some individual small sprinklers for the children, the prayers all figured out. He led the entire congregation out of the Church after Mass and noticed it began to sprinkle. As he got closer to the field, it rained a little more, and by the time everyone was around the perimeter, the skies opened up -- as did the umbrellas. Fr. Bob "cut to the chase", did the prayer, blessed the ladies and told them to go for it. So many of you realized that he didn't need holy water. God had taken care of that and blessed the property and put the blessing on all of us. It was amazing and so many affirmed that is what happened. God has us covered. We then enjoyed a glass of champagne or sparkling cider as we got thoroughly soaked.
Construction Progress
Through the assistance of a parishioner, we are able to update the construction project for you through the gift of these photos. Enjoy!
Sacred Heart Fellowship Hall is almost finished and We Need Your Help!
Dear Parish Family, We are so excited to open our new Sacred Heart Fellowship Hall in just a few months, but there are several items we need to complete it. Please review the list to donate any of the items listed. It’s simple, just check the box next to the item(s) you’d like to donate and either attach a check or check the box to “ Call for Credit / Debit Card”. You can place this in the Collection at Church or mail it in the Return Envelope enclosed. All Donors will be permanently recognized on our Heart Board in the Fellowship Hall. Thank You and God Bless You for all you do for Sacred Heart. Fr. Bob |
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Monday - Thursday 8:30 am-12:30 pm [email protected] Mailing Address: 3910 SE 11th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 231-9636 Fax: (503) 231-1766 |