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Community "Building" Ministry
This part of our Church is so key and important to me. In fact, one could say I view hospitality as key to the vibrant growth of our Community. This particular group of men and women respond to host all Parish events such as our Strawberry Shortcake Weekend, the Easter Egg Hunt, our One-Mass-On-A-Weekend bbq, our end of summer barbecue and any other event where the entire Parish is invited. And they are a team that I just ask, and they make it happen. They are always looking for new ideas to bring everyone together. And to join is to just ask, and you are most welcomed. Contact: Janet Alley Knitting and Crochet Ministry
Knitting group brings people together to knit or crochet and to strengthen and support each other. We make baby blankets for Baptisms, lap robes for seniors, and hats and mittens for the homeless. They meet the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm during the fall/winter/spring months in the Sacred Heart Rectory. Contact: Helen Unfred Hospitality Ministry
The group of men and women help us with smaller events that involve a meal or refreshments for a more limited number of people. This could be for a baptismal reception, a 1st Communion reception, a funeral reception. They also host special refreshment events after liturgical celebrations out on the veranda of the Church. So much of what they do is not planned ahead as much is a spur of the moment need for food and hospitality, and they always respond with a smile and helping hands. Contact: Susy Parish Men's Fellowship
The Parish Men's Fellowship purpose is to support and enhance our community both inside and outside the halls of the church. Inside - we assist and aid existing ministries when called upon. Out in the community- our fundraising directs financial resources to a variety of service organizations. Contact Jeff Delegato Altar Society
Altar Society fosters Christian charity as we respond to requests from our pastor or the Archbishop. We provide the necessary items for the liturgy: hosts, wine, candles, flowers, and vestments. We also care for the cleanliness and general upkeep of the church. We have dessert parties that include guests from neighboring parishes. We sponsor "Ladies Night Out" activities, assist with Lenten soup suppers, help with parish hospitality with desserts and other services for receptions following funerals and special liturgies. We support parish families by attending funerals. We have a Christmas pot-luck and June lunch for members. We invite and encourage all women and men in the parish to join us for these activities. Contact: [email protected] St. Vincent DePaul Ministry
The Sacred Heart STVDP Conference is one of 50 Conferences operating under The Portland STVDP Council. Our most visible work is delivering food boxes to eligible households within the geographic boundaries of the parish, although recipients do not need to be Catholic or members of the Parish. We average between 45 and 50 deliveries per month, providing 5 to 7 days worth of food for 150 to 160 individuals. Our work is supported by the Parish through generous cash donations and specific food requests, as well as grants and bequests. The Conference has 25 regular volunteers as well as 5 alternates. In addition, the Conference provides rent and utility assistance, emergency lodging, gas and transportation assistance. This organization is an equal opportunity provider. Contact: Gary Lanctot Social Concerns and Outreach Ministry
Thank you for your contributions to refugee resettlement. If you would like to donate household items to help Catholic Charities set up living arrangements for refugees, please contact: Catholic Charities Pastoral Care Ministry The work of Pastoral Care is to connect parish volunteers to parishioners who are no longer able to attend, worship and pray with our Church community on a regular basis by visiting, praying and bringing the Eucharist to them. They also bring the message to the homebound person that they are always a part of the parish community, and the rest of the community is one with them. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is always available that provides strengthening, peace, and courage to overcome the difficulties that go with the condition of illness. The Sacrament can be received by all who are struggling at this time in their lives. We also offer two Anointing of the Sick Masses during the year, one during Lent, and the other during Advent. Finally, if you're going to be unable to attend Mass with the community because of recovering from surgery or an illness, please let us know so we can make sure you receive the Sacraments. Contact: Sue Rivelli Music Ministry Our Music Ministry serves the church at both weekend Masses. On Saturday nights, we have guitar, piano and 1 or 2 cantors. Cantors, usually placed in front, always lead the people and encourage them to sing. On Sunday mornings, we have a choir, usually singing the 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month, except during July & August. When the choir is not present, we usually have 2 cantors and piano leading the people in song. Many churches still have choirs in the back but ours is in the front because to me the main role of the choir is to encourage people to sing and I feel that we can do it better being in front. Opportunities
This is the goal of the Music Ministry: to cement the scripture, the acclamations in song so that they stay with you and become a part of you long after you leave the church. Contact: Marie Phillipi, Music Director Fellowship Ministry after Mass Coffee and Donuts - To assist in building a sense of community in the parish, this group hosts coffee and donuts in the rectory basement after Mass on Sundays. The goal is to provide an opportunity for parishioners and visitors to mingle, talk, and get to know one another. Hosts unlock the rectory basement, make the coffee, set up the donuts that are delivered to the rectory, serve the coffee, and take care of the clean-up and final lock-up. They usually work in pairs, with a rotating schedule to spread the work. Volunteers usually serve once a month. Contact: Ron and Diana Shibler Wine and Cheese - This success of coffee and donuts in building community and fostering connections between parishioners at the Sunday Mass led the Administrative Council exploring a way to provide a similar experience at the 4:30 Vigil Mass. The result was the monthly Wine and Cheese Socials. Teams of usually three to four parishioners pick up wine, cheeses, crackers, cookies, and fruit and serve in the rectory. This ministry now insures that parishioners at both Masses have a unifying experience. Contact: Paul Costello. Religious Education Ministry Visit Children's Liturgy Contact: Sacred Heart office Liturgical Ministry Contact: Shelley Samuels |
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Monday - Thursday 8:00 am-12:00 pm [email protected] Mailing Address: 3910 SE 11th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 231-9636 Fax: (503) 231-1766 |